In the state Duma commented on the threat to the United States to destroy the DPRK

The Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on international Affairs Alexei chepa, RT, commenting on the words of the American Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley about the destruction of the DPRK, said that the training of diplomats in the U.S. leaves much to be desired.

“All the same declarations only push the DPRK leadership to certain actions. They today it is the only form of protection. Of course, we condemn their nuclear test and strongly urge that the only possible way of resolving this problem is not a threat, not the placement of weapons in neighboring DPRK territories, and negotiations. But, unfortunately, the level of some American officials, especially those engaged in diplomatic work leaves much to be desired”, — said the Deputy.

Previously, Haley made a statement that if Pyongyang continues to behave “recklessly”, and the US will have to defend themselves, then North Korea will be destroyed.

