In Russia first selected far Eastern hectare

In Russia first selected far Eastern hectare

The court of the district of Vanino in Khabarovsk territory deprived local resident land rights received under the program of the far Eastern hectare. On Tuesday, September 19, TASS reported in the regional headquarters of the popular front.

“The disputed territory with a total area of 419 square meters is one of the most traffic places in Vanino, there are the local Bank, book store, children’s store, socially important objects. We were able to ensure that the Park stays within its borders, and a woman can choose a site elsewhere or to appeal the court decision”, — said the activist of the popular front Khabarovsk Yuri Svetlichnaya.

Earlier, residents of Vanino collected signatures 1.5 thousand people against “non-transparent” allocation of the site in the village centre.

According to Svetlichny, this is the first case in Russia when the decision of the court was eliminated right at the far Eastern hectare. Members of onf found in Vanino 67 plots in the settlement, the results of which put them into question.

These plots are located in the centre of the village close to the administration, monuments, squares, parks, playgrounds and other socially important facilities.Yuri Svetlichnyi Khabarovsk onf

The law on the free distribution of land in the far Eastern Federal district (FEFD) since June of last year. According to the document, each citizen can exercise the right to receive for five years an area not more than a hectare. After five years it will be possible to arrange to rent or to own. Purchase and sale of the acquired land is prohibited.

