American, after an argument cut boyfriend to pieces

Sierra Sutton

Police in the us state of Texas have arrested a woman suspected of killing her boyfriend. On Tuesday, September 19, reports the New York Post.

According to investigators, 30-year-old Sierra Sutton after a quarrel with her boyfriend Stephen Coleman waited until he fell asleep, and shot him. After that, she dismembered the body of the beloved with a machete.

After a while the woman said the disappearance of a young man. The torso of the killed was found at the dump four days after her treatment to the police.

On 16 August in a dumpster on a street in Rome, was discovered a severed female legs. Subsequently, the police managed to identify the body. Killed was Nicoletta, Diotallevi. On suspicion in Commission of crime, police detained her brother — 62-year-old Maurizio.

According to police, the criminal was first strangled the victim with a belt, and then sawed her body into pieces and threw them in different dumpsters.

“She constantly humiliated me in front of everyone, even in front of my son,” said Maurizio interrogation. The last straw was the fight that happened after his sister returned from vacation and immediately began to show his claim, but at the same time gave two slaps.

Man charged with murder and attempted concealment of traces of crime.

