A Ukrainian court has acquitted the accused on the case of riots in Odessa

A Ukrainian court has acquitted the accused on the case of riots in Odessa

Moscow. September 18. INTERFAX.RU — Illichivsk city court of the Black sea Odessa region acquitted the accused in the case of events on may 2, 2014 regarding the events in the Greek area (the case of a fire in the House of trade unions allocated in separate manufacture).

As the correspondent of Agency “Interfax-Ukraine”, the court found untenable the evidence of the prosecution in the participation and organization of the accused in the riots that caused the death and injury of people.

For four of the five accused persons in detention, including for citizens of Russia Evgeny and Maxim Nefedov Sakauov Prosecutor demanded 12 years. 15 years the prosecution asked for Sergei Dolzhenkov, which prosecutors called the organizer of mass riots.

Even for the 12 accused persons not in custody, the prosecution demanded 8 and 9 years of imprisonment, even for two — 10 years.

All five defendants in custody, released in the court room.

The building itself is cordoned off by members of the National guard of Ukraine, before it gathered a few dozen activists.

May 2, 2014 in Odessa the riots 48 people died and over 200 were injured. Most died in the House of trade unions. The investigation revealed that the riots in Odessa were organized and deliberately planned.

