Scientists have identified a mysterious substance, put on shore in Texas

Scientists have identified a mysterious substance, put on shore in Texas

MOSCOW, 15 sen — news. Scientists identified found on the coast of the United States special, photos of which caught the attention of Twitter users.

Mysterious remains of a Twitter user Preeti Desai found and photographed on the beach in Texas. The deep sea dweller, presumably, washed up by the storm “Harvey”.

The post Desai, who asked to help her with the identification of the creatures responded to a number of commentators. Someone jokingly suggested that the remains belong to a monster worm from the Thriller “Tremors”.

Biologist from the National Museum of natural history in Washington Kenneth Tayget expressed the opinion that the creature belongs to the family ostrogoth eels, perhaps, to the mind Aplatophis chauliodus.

This fanged eel lives at depths of 30-90 meters, and spend most of their life in burrows. The lack of photos eye specialist explained far advanced decomposition.

Okay, biology is twitter, what the heck is this?? Found on a beach in Texas City, TX. #wildlifeid

— Preeti Desai? (@preetalina) September 6, 2017
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Tayget not excluded also that the mysterious creature can be of similar in tooth size and species of the family kongebrovej, or sea eels, in particular, Bathyuroconger vicinus or Xenomystax congroides.

“All three of these species occur off the coast of Texas, and all three large fangs. Unfortunately, a clear view of the tip of the tail, by which to distinguish the two families from each other, in the pictures it is impossible”, — quotes the words of biologist portal Earth Touch.

