With swept protruding out of the car a baby a man was sentenced to work

A man in Krasnoyarsk region stuck baby out of the car window and swept thus was sentenced to 300 hours of obligatory works. On Friday, September 15, reports REN TV.

In the courtroom, the accused insisted he did not put my daughter in danger. The court has appointed the minimum punishment, presumably because it was considered a full admission of guilt and remorse.

The Russians were accused of committing a crime under article 156 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (“default of duties on education of minors”). The punishment is up to three years of imprisonment.

Press, and then the police drew attention to a video in which a man rolls a little baby in the car, sticking it out the window, in August 2017. It was published in a social network “Vkontakte” in your user account under the name Roman Romanov.

As told to “7 channel”, the representative of the Central Board SK Olga Shamanskaya, the first man said that the footage is a doll, but later admitted that it was his eldest daughter. He lives with his wife and brings up another girl — she was born in 2017. The family is characterised positively. Officially, the father was not working.

