Posner said that I will definitely watch his show about cats

Posner said that I will definitely watch his show about cats

Journalist Vladimir Posner, a colleague of his on the First channel, promised to watch a new program about cats musician, despite his bad relationship with the musician, reports of NSN.

“I understand that there are some opinions about our relationship with Shnurov. Surely the media hope to get something “rybenko”. But I to these things not being too experienced. I have about this new program Shnurov no opinion. If it is, then okay. But I love programs about animals, maybe it will be good? Until I see the program, I will not comment — expressed its position a well-known journalist.

The leader of group “Leningrad” Sergey Shnurov try on a new role — lead a program about animals. September 2, the First channel starts the new entertaining show “the Main kitty of the country.” Cord admitted that this is a program about animals, and “first and foremost, about people.”

