Media: in the Russian army will no longer be officers-sergeants

© Valery Matytsin/TASS MOSCOW, December 29. /TASS/. The defense Ministry before the end of the year will reassign all the so-called officers-sergeants – officers appointed to posts of sergeants and foremen. About this newspaper “Izvestia”. In the course of military reform of 2008-2012, the then defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, it was decided on the reduction of officer posts, the officers offered or discharged, or to take inappropriate their education post, the newspaper reminds. So, for the year (2009-2010) number of officer positions decreased from 335 thousand to 150 thousand were Also abolished titles of warrant officers. “Izvestiya” noted that at the peak of reforms in the status of “officers-sergeants” was about 10 thousand people. “At the moment the situation is fully stabilized, – told “Izvestia” Deputy defense Minister Nikolai Pankov. – Until the end of the year, the remaining officers will be reassigned. There are plans for building the armed

The media has called the sanctions that the U.S. wants to impose against Russia

In the coming days, the U.S. plan to announce the extension of sanctions against Russia. It should be a response to assigned Moscow cyber attacks against U.S. institutions during the elections. It clarifies the Agency Reuters, while the White house has not committed to full-scale conflict with the Kremlin.   Citing two sources among officials, the Agency reports that the US intends to impose targeted economic sanctions against Russian citizens, to present them in absentia against him and to impose sanctions against Russian diplomats. Moreover, the US administration is planning to spread damaging information about officials and the oligarchs of Russia.   In the American media are constantly emerging speculation about the notorious “hand of the Kremlin” intervened in the elections of the President of the United States. Evidence of this was provided. Photos: Drew A. Kelley / ZUMAPRESS / Globallookpress

In Syria, with coalition air strike eliminated one of the leaders of the IG

One of the leaders of the “Islamic state” was killed in an attack by the U.S.-led coalition in Syria. It is reported Associated Press, citing a senior Pentagon official. The attack was made on Monday, December 26. Jandal Abu al-Kuwaiti was eliminated near the Tabqa dam. It is known that he was one of the key leaders of the group, controlling the city of raqqa, self-proclaimed capital of ISIS in Syria. No other details. Currently, in the area of Raqqa are fighting the opposition, supported by the coalition are with the terrorists. “Islamic state” in Russia included in the list of terrorist organizations, for participation in activities which provide for criminal liability.

The youngest member of the found a way to save Russians from alcoholism during the holidays

Vasily Vlasov The Russians can be brought to an active lifestyle for the new year holiday, increasing the availability of sports and clubs. This was stated by member of the state Duma Committee on physical culture, sports, tourism and Affairs of youth Vasily Vlasov in an interview with “” on Wednesday, December 28. Vlasov offers at the time of the Christmas holidays to lower the cost of memberships at fitness centers by 50 percent. “During the holidays, when most funds went to the table, buy gifts, not all have enough money to pay for a subscription”, — said the Deputy. To accustom the youth to active rest can be achieved by reducing the cost of tickets for various sporting events, the politician believes. He noted that in Russia there are many big stadiums that are not filled 100 percent. “All the fans come in full force. We offer the remaining

The media talked about the new year plans of Putin and Medvedev

Photo: the press service of the President of the Russian Federation Russian politicians and top officials of the country the majority are planning to celebrate the New year with family and friends. This is reported by Russian media. The first person in the state and Russian politicians will celebrate the new year at home in the family circle. About this newspaper “Izvestia”. Informed about the plans of Vladimir Putin to celebrate the holiday with his family said his press Secretary Dmitry Peskov. This tradition the head of the state changed only in 2013, when he spent new year’s eve in Khabarovsk with the local residents affected by the floods. Dmitry Medvedev will meet New year in the family circle. Dishes of the festive table, said the Premier, will be made from Russian products. It is bound to be fish, meat and vegetables produced in our country, and those companies that

The US announced sanctions against Moscow over “cyberattacks” on Thursday – media

The administration of outgoing President Barack Obama is preparing to announce on Thursday, December 29, sanctions against Russia, allegedly because of Moscow’s interference in the election of the American President.   As reported by CNN, the restrictive measures are imposed because of hacker attacks on the Democratic party and influenced in the end, the choice of Americans. The responsibility for that actions of criminals of the US and Obama put on Russia.   According to the channel, we are talking about expanding sanctions and measures of a diplomatic nature. Also planned are some “secret measures”, which the public will not be announced.   Earlier it became known that U.S. authorities are preparing a new package of sanctions against Russia, which Obama wants to have time to sign before the White house will have a new head of state.   The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said that

CNN called the date of announcement of the US measures against Russia for “intervention in election”

Barack Obama The white house is preparing to announce on Thursday, December 29, on the introduction against Russia of a number of measures in response to her alleged interference in the election process in the United States. It is reported by CNN. According to TV channel, these actions will include the extension of sanctions and diplomatic measures. Also, as expected, can be named individuals associated with the “Russian disinformation campaign” on the use of stolen data in order to damage the election campaign of the democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. American officials also said that the Federal government plans to “some sudden action” of the agent character. In recent months, representatives of the Obama administration has been focused on how to ensure the protection of voting machines and to prevent hackers to change the vote. According to intelligence agencies, the fraud was not detected, increased activity of hackers on the voting

Agency Stratfor predicted a split in the EU and the strengthening of Russia in 2017

Photo: RIA Novosti In 2017 the Russian Federation has a high chance to affect the balance of power in Europe in their favor, and the EU expects the internal split, this forecast was made by analysts of the American Agency Stratfor. According to experts of the analytical Agency, stress Russia’s position will be associated with the internal split in the ranks of the European Union and with the upcoming elections in the Netherlands, Germany and France, where opposition to the current European political elite forces have all chances to come to power. Given this, Russia will be able to finish the lifting of sanctions already in 2017, according to the Agency. In addition, the influence of the Russian Federation will be strengthened and the former Soviet Union due to the development of relations with countries that always maintained a good relationship. Among these countries Belarus, Armenia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.