Scientists urged to stop lying to children about Santa Claus

Scientists urged to stop lying to children about Santa Claus

American psychologists recommend parents not to hide from their children the truth that Santa Claus doesn’t exist. A study published in the Lancet Psychiatry, about it reports the edition EurekAlert!

According to psychologists, lying about the existence of Santa Claus can be devastating for children as one of its motivations is the desire of the parents believe in it and thus to return to childhood.

According to scientists, when children learn that Christmas wizard who lives at the North pole to appreciate the actions of others, including their lies, is fiction, puts children in a difficult moral situation.

Meanwhile, according to psychologists, to trick the children sometimes makes sense. For example, when a beloved pet dies, it makes more sense to say that a cat or a dog caught in a “special place” and not to talk about their “reincarnation” because of the geochemical carbon cycle.

