Japan admitted the possibility of joint activities with Russia on the South Kuril Islands

Tokyo does not exclude the possibility of joint economic activities on southern Kuriles. This was stated by foreign Minister Fumio Kishida.


“In General, it is not denied, but it is extremely important not to harm the legal status of our country”, – quotes words of the Minister Japanese news Agency “Kyodo”.


On the eve of the capital of Peru Lima on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific economic cooperation (APEC) held a meeting of the head of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe. Immediately after this in the Japanese media there were messages on possible joint economic activities of States on the four Islands the southern Kurils.


Tokyo believes that the Islands of Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan and Habomai her, referring to the Treatise on trade and borders of 1855. In turn, Moscow stressed that the southern Kuriles became part of the Soviet Union at the end of the Second world war and the Russian sovereignty over them has the appropriate international legal formalization.

Photo: Sergey Frolov/Globallookpress

