Krasnoyarsk Buddha Bar fined for insulting the feelings of believers

The Prosecutor’s office ordered the owners of the Buddha Bar in Krasnoyarsk to pay a fine and to change the name because of the insults the feelings of believers. About it the owner of the bar, Natalia Myazina wrote in his Facebook.

“Buddha bar found guilty of offending religious feelings of Buddhists of Kalmykia, Tuva and Buryatia, and now we have to pay a fine of 30 thousand rubles, to rename and remove images of Buddhist deities,” she said.

It clarifies the issue Prosecutor’s office has conducted an audit and found a violation of part 2 of article 5.26 of administrative code (“Deliberate public desecration of religious or liturgical literature, objects of religious veneration, signs or emblems of ideological symbols and attributes or their damage or destruction”).

On 7 November it was reported that on Buddha Bar complained to the Prosecutor’s office for insulting the feelings of Buddhists. Check was initiated after contacting the Agency women from St. Petersburg. She saw the insult to the feelings of Buddhists in the title bar, and the Buddha image in the interior.

