The United States and Ukraine made against the UN resolution on combating glorification of Nazism

Three countries — USA, Ukraine and Palau — voted in the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly against the resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism and combating contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination and xenophobia. Reported by the Associated Press.

The document, prepared by Russia in collaboration with 54 States, was supported by 131 votes with 48 abstentions. Among the countries that voted “for” — India and China among the abstentions — member countries of the European Union.

The U.S. delegation its position explained by the fact that Russia can use the resolution for political attacks on neighbors. In addition, diplomats said that it infringes on freedom of speech. “The United States cannot support this resolution due to a too narrow framework and political nature, because it imposes unacceptable limitations on the fundamental principles for freedom of expression of opinion”, — quotes Agency the statement of the US mission to the UN.

The resolution that will be submitted to the plenary session of the GA in December, expressed concern in connection with any form of glorification of the Nazi movement and former members of the SS, including the construction of memorials in their honor. The document also condemns the attempts of desecration of monuments to fighters against Nazism and urged the States members of the United Nations to take measures, including legislation and education to prevent the denial of crimes against humanity and war crimes committed during the Second world war.

In November 2015, when voting, a similar document proposed by Russia, supported by 126 States, opposed the USA, Ukraine, Canada and Palau. More than 50 countries, including the EU countries, abstained. A year earlier the USA, Canada and Ukraine did not support a similar resolution.

