Austrian foreign Ministry called for a ban on the distribution of the Koran on the street

The Minister for foreign Affairs of Austria Sebastian Kurz called for an immediate ban on the distribution of the Koran by Islamic fundamentalists on the streets. According to him, “these are campaigns that Salafis are an expression of political Islam, and they could no longer endure.” On Friday, November 18, reports The Local.

On the streets of Vienna, Graz, Salzburg and Innsbruck are members of a local Salafist group “the True religion” is actively distributing copies translated into the German language of the Qur’an under the slogan Lies! (from German translated as “read” and English as “lie”).

November 15 in 10 Federal States of Germany, the police conducted extensive raids in more than 200 apartments and offices of belonging to members of the German Salafist group Die wahre Religion (“True religion”).

The German government has repeatedly stated that the reforms in these Salafis actions are contrary to the Constitution and seeks to undermine mutual understanding between people. A little later, on 15 November, the German authorities banned the activities of this group in Germany.

As notes the edition, at present, the activities of Salafi organizations are also going to be banned in Switzerland.

