Prime Minister of Japan called a meeting with Putin in Peru “precious chance”

Prime Minister of Japan called a meeting with Putin in Peru “precious chance”

TOKYO, 16 Oct — RIA Novosti, Xenia Naka. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called coming to Peru this month to meet with Russian President “precious chance”.

“This is a precious chance. I want to make it so that she was fruitful”, — quotes the words of the Prime Minister Agency Kyodo.

Informed the Secretary General of the Cabinet of Ministers of Japan Acehide Suga said that the government of Japan considers “very important” meeting of the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Peru.

In early September, on the sidelines of the Eastern economic forum in Vladivostok held a three-hour negotiations of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin with Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe. One outcome of the meeting was the announcement of the timing of Putin’s visit to Japan, which will begin on December 15. This is a significant breakthrough in relations, given that the visit was postponed in 2014. Before Putin’s visit to Japan, the two leaders will meet in November in Peru in the framework of the APEC forum.

As expected, Vladimir Putin’s visit to Japan will start on December 15 this year. According to available information, it will be held in Yamaguchi Prefecture, which is the constituency of the Japanese Prime Minister. At the same time there are reports also that the second part of the visit may be held in Tokyo.

