The state Duma will consider a ban on the dismissal of food

Deputies of LDPR Vitaly Pashin and Daniel Shilkov submitted to the state Duma a bill prohibiting the firing is paying a mortgage employees. The document database registered in the Duma bills on Tuesday, November 15.

“Given the difficult economic situation in our country and mass layoffs at enterprises and organizations, it is appropriate to legally protect this category of citizens and to limit the grounds for terminating an employment contract on the initiative of the employer”, — said in the explanatory note to the document.

According to the parliamentarians, because of layoffs, mortgage holders, many of whom are young people with young children, broken families, increased the number of offenses. In addition to the ban on dismissal, the liberal Democrats propose to give mortgage holders the “right of priority to leaving to work at reduction of number or staff of employees”.

In early September, a group of deputies of the LDPR faction proposed to provide a ten-year deferral of the payment of the loans less than 100 thousand rubles. In may the liberal Democrats had proposed a credit Amnesty for all Russians.

According to the National credit Bureau on November 14, in the first nine months of the year 2016 the number of mortgages grew by 55 percent. The Agency for housing mortgage lending (AHML) predicts that this year will be issued about 900 thousand credits for the sum of 1,5 trillion rubles.

