Abnormally severe frosts waiting for the Urals and Siberia in the next five days

Abnormally severe frosts waiting for the Urals and Siberia in the next five days

11 Nov. Interfax-Russia.ru — hydrometeorological centre of Russia issued a warning about the cold in Siberia and the Urals: Yekaterinburg to minus 30, in Krasnoyarsk at night to minus 36, reported “Interfax” the Director of the institution Roman Vilfand.

“All the Urals, Western Siberia and Eastern Siberia through the day will be dominated by a very strong cold: 10-12 deviation from the norm. In Yekaterinburg in the night of minus 25 to 27 in two days, and the centre of cold in Krasnoyarsk region — up to minus 36. This is below the average climate in January. The real Siberian winter”, — said R. Vilfand Agency on Friday.

He stressed that on the eve of Federal and regional authorities received information about the impending cold in Siberia and the Urals, to prevent disruptions in the provision of heat to residential houses and socially important facilities. “This very cold weather will last at least five days” — said the meteorologist.

