In the Federation Council called trump’s indomitable fighter

Vladimir Dzhabarov


RIA Novosti

The first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on international Affairs Vladimir Jabbarov called the results of the US presidential election unexpected, but fair. This point of view, the Senator announced on Tuesday, November 9, in an interview with “”.

According to him, the candidate of the Republican party, Donald trump was a fighter — he was not broken provocations that were implemented by Democrats.

“He showed that he is a staunch fighter. It can be respected at least for what he did not speak negatively against our country and against our President, so there is some hope that it can and will need to negotiate,” — said the MP.

He noted that negative role in the election campaign of the Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton was that she “represented [the former President Barack] Obama, the Americans are frankly tired.”

Earlier Wednesday, the head of the international Affairs Committee of the Federation Council Konstantin Kosachev expressed the opinion that the US political system did not cope with new challenges. The Senator also admitted that he did not believe in the victory of going against this system trump.

On the same day it became known that the new American leader will become a millionaire Donald trump. In his speech on the occasion of the election, the politician promised to seek common ground, not hostility with partners in the world. Russian President Vladimir Putin one of the first to congratulate trump on the victory.

