“The clown” trump sends Clinton to Kiev on the Ukrainian pension – Podkopaev

Leading the program “news. The main thing” on TV channel “the Star” Yury Podkopaev every Thursday answering questions from the audience, who sent him in the mail.


Question from the audience: After winning the presidential election in the United States no longer young Republicans of Donald trump in the same middle-aged Hillary Clinton what will happen, in your opinion, a career loser?


Yuri Podkopaev: now What will make Hillary Clinton? Come home to your family? Will now saw bill Clinton? But whether such a failure of the forty-second President of the United States ? All of America already knows that the relationship of trust Hillary Clinton with her assistant Humai Abedin. This young hot Asian girl with slightly masculine features were stored on his laptop all the secret and owls. secret letter to Hillary. The headquarters of the trump, that’s for sure closer Abedin with radical Islamists. Including ISIS. In General, how hard the administration of her party comrade Obama protects these thugs in Syria, this perverse relationship continues unabated. In this case, Clinton and Abedin just swapped. Hilary will become an assistant to Khums in all its activities on promotion of the creeping Islamization of America. Yes, there are the Hilary one more thing. Go and spit on the threshold of Barack Obama. His energetic support for the Clinton’s played with it a cruel joke. Now, Obama’s support – this sentence. But it’s the lyrics. What really is now. But where she really to blame? Not in the same Raqqa to Mosul? No, of course. There is one European capital that was put solely on her. Who called trump a clown and waited for Clinton to call in the White house and give them lots and lots of weapons. Kyiv now, of course, in mourning. But Hillary Clinton, there is, of course, greeted as no one Ukrainian pensioner can not meet. Learn more about elections in these decisive States on Sunday, the “Star”. I’ll see you.


Every week the host of the program “news. The main” Yury Podkopaev answers your questions! Write on [email protected] and Yuri will meet the audience together with you, discussing acute and topical socio-political issues. All your questions and answers Yuri Podkopayeva – every Thursday on the website tvzvezda.ru.

Photo: president.gov.ua

