The crowd of supporters trump demands to imprison Hillary Clinton

In new York thousands of supporters of the candidate in presidents of the United States Donald trump gathered at the headquarters of the policies and chanted slogans, among other things, they require to be put in jail Hillary Clinton. About it writes RIA Novosti with reference to the correspondent NBC Won Hilyard.


“The crowd (supporters), trump reacts to figures in Wisconsin the slogan “Plant it!” – wrote the correspondent.


Supporters of trump watching the preliminary voting results and do not doubt in the victory of their candidate. Trump is watching the vote count in the Trump Tower skyscraper. The authorities in new York have set in front of the trucks with sand and metal fences.


The FBI in October resumed the investigation of hiding information in respect of Clinton in connection with its electronic correspondence, which she led through our own private server. Two days before the election, the case was closed.


According to recent reports, Donald trump scored a total of 276 electoral votes and secured the post of the 45th President of the United States.

Video: Julie Walker/Twitter

