Border service of Ukraine found in the sea of Azov a Russian drone

Border service of Ukraine found in the sea of Azov a Russian drone

Employees of Mariupol marine guard detachment of the Border service of Ukraine on 6 November, found in the sea of Azov unmanned aerial vehicle type of “Orlan-10”. The guards claim that the drone was made in Russia.

In a message posted on the website, they say that the aircraft was drifting in the sea at a distance of about 3 km from the shoreline. According to preliminary information, the drone was in working condition.

Now guards carry out a survey of drone and intend to shoot with available information.

United instrument manufacturing Corporation in mid-September reported that she has begun to develop a drone the size of a dragonfly. They can be used in intelligence or counterterrorism operations. OPK announced that the drone fits in your palm, almost noiseless and maneuvers well.

