In the Parliament building Austria found the busts and portraits of Hitler

In the Parliament building Austria found the busts and portraits of Hitler

In the basement of the building of Austrian Parliament in Vienna found two busts of Adolf Hitler, as well as four paintings and a few reliefs with the image. It is reported by local newspaper derStandard.

As the newspaper notes, the artifacts were discovered during the renovation of the historic building, which in 1938 was the residence of the Reichskommissar for the reunification of Austria with the Third Reich (Anschluss), as well as the base of the National socialist German workers party (NSDAP).

The speaker of the National Council of Austria Doris Bures said that this finding “emphasizes the importance of a complete analysis of the history of Parliament”. She recalled that in 2015 the historians were ordered to find out what was happening with the construction of the 1933-1945 years. According to the results of their research have noticed Bures, have to decide where and how to store Nazi relics. The results of the work of scientists will present in the spring of 2018.

Reconstruction of the building of the Austrian Parliament started in 2015. It was built in the years 1874-1883 near the Hofburg in Central Vienna. During the Second world war it was badly damaged, but for the most part restored in 1955-1956. The building area is 13.5 thousand square meters, it has over a hundred rooms.

