MOE denied the information about the death of the military in the shelling of a helicopter in Syria

The Russian defense Ministry denied the information of militants of the banned “Islamic state” about the deaths of Russian servicemen in the shelling of a helicopter in Syria. This was announced by the representative of the Russian centre of reconciliation of the warring parties in the Arab country.

According to him, during a routine flight to deliver humanitarian aid in one of the towns 40 km North-West of Palmyra, a Russian helicopter made an emergency landing.


At a time when the crew began to inspect the aircraft on the ground crew on the ground, the militants opened fire from mortars. The crew was not injured and was promptly delivered a search and rescue helicopter to the base Hamim”.

It is noted that the helicopter was damaged, which is not allowed to return to the home airfield.



Photo: Alexey Ivanov/TRK Star

