Manufacturers of homeopathic medicines in the United States are required to indicate on the packaging that homeopathy is unscientific

Manufacturers of homeopathic medicines in the United States are required to indicate on the packaging that homeopathy is unscientific

The Federal trade Commission, which protects the rights of consumers, has obliged manufacturers of homeopathic medicines to prove the efficacy of their products.

Manufacturers who refuse to comply with this requirement will be required to indicate on the packaging of the drug that the scientific evidence of its efficacy does not exist. They will also have to warn consumers that the drug was developed solely on the basis of theories of the eighteenth century, which was not recognized by most modern medical experts.

Homeopathy is based on a pseudoscientific principle of “like cure like”. Its advocates propose to treat patients with heavily diluted preparations that cause healthy person symptoms similar to the symptoms of the patient. The theory of homeopathy was developed by German physician Samuel Hahnemann in the late eighteenth century. The world health organization warns that homeopathic medicines have no proven effectiveness, and in some cases can endanger the health of patients.

