Poland was the exhumation of the remains of Lech Kaczynski and his wife

The exhumation of the bodies of the former President of Poland Lech Kaczynski and his wife Maria, who died in a plane crash near Smolensk in 2010 was held in Krakow. About it reports on Tuesday, November 15, Gazeta.pl.

The extraction of the remains of the Wawel castle began on Monday around 17:00 local time (19:00 GMT) and took eight hours. It was attended by the daughter of the deceased President on March Kachinsky and his brother Jaroslaw Kaczynski. The exhumation of engaged experts, headed by Deputy Prosecutor General of Poland Brand Palanka.

The coffins, lifted out of the sarcophagus was delivered to the Department of forensic medicine of the medical College of the Jagiellonian University. A study of the remains will be engaged in an international group of forensic experts. The study will last for four days, then there will be a reburial.

All scheduled operations will be carried out without the press.

Exhumation of the remains of Lech Kaczynski and his wife became the first of the 83 such procedures with respect to the other victims aviakatastrofe that occurred near Smolensk in April 2010.

As previously reported, on October 24, several families of relatives who died in the crash of the presidential plane were opposed to the extraction of the remains of their loved ones. “Six years after those terrible days we are alone and helpless in the face of this ruthless and cruel act. Our loved ones need to get out of the tombs, despite the Holy ban to violate the peace of the dead”, — noted in their statement.

On 10 April 2010 near Smolensk fell the Tu-154 , on Board of which were high-ranking Polish politicians, including the President of the country Lech Kaczynski with the spouse. As a result, all passengers and crew members a total of 96 people died. The interstate aviation Committee called the cause of the incident was pilot error. The Polish side did its own investigation and laid part of the blame on Russian air traffic controllers. The investigation continues to conduct in Poland and Russia.

