The coalition is not coordinating with Russia’s actions in Idlib

The coalition is not coordinating with Russia’s actions in Idlib

WASHINGTON, Oct 27 — RIA Novosti. The coalition led by the United States is coordinating with Russia for its actions in the Syrian Idlib, said to RIA Novosti, the official representative of the coalition of Ryan Dillon.

“We do not (not koordiniruyutsya — ed.),” replied Dillon on the question of whether koordiniruyutsya coalition with Russia in Idlib.

“The organization that I represent is strictly focused on the destruction and the fight against ISIS*, so all what is happening in Idlib with “al-Nusra Dzhebhat*” (also banned in Russia — ed.) and “Hayat Tahrir al-sham”, it is not the coalition that is in this area,” said Dillon.

Armed conflict in Syria continues from March 2011. USA from August 2014 carried out in Syria operation against IG* without the permission of the authorities of the country. Russia conducts operations with the September 2015 at the request of the official Damascus.

*Banned terrorist organization.

