The Duma will consider the reduction of the Christmas holidays

The Duma will consider the reduction of the Christmas holidays

Duma faction identified priority bills to be considered by the lower house in the autumn. About the need to prepare the list of the faction agreed with the speaker of the Duma Vyacheslav Volodin at a plenary meeting in September.

Several deputies from the opposition then complained that the initiatives of their factions or not put for review, or permanently transferred. At the end of September the Duma Council decided that each faction in each session will identify four of their most important initiatives that should be considered by the house.

In the current list of 16 priority three bills on the introduction of a progressive income tax.

Less holidays

The list of important initiatives of the Communist party entered a bill to reduce the Christmas holidays. Document submitted at the end of September, offers 31 Dec, 1, 2 and 3 January will be declared the Christmas holidays, and 4, 5, 6 and 8 January to exclude from the holidays.

But the holidays are encouraged to do on March 18 (the day of joining of Crimea to Russia) and 7 November (October revolution day).

In the end of the year will be on two weekends less. In the fraction explained his proposal that the Communists received a lot of citizens with the requirement to reduce the number of days in the Christmas holidays, as the Russians early in the new year remain unpaid.

Attention to this bill and the proposal to declare a non-working day November 7, associated with the fact that “on the nose of a century of revolution”, later it will be already interesting to discuss, explained RBC a source in the party. Now for the Communist party’s most important to celebrate this date, even the past elections in September was used as an occasion to remind about the anniversary, he explained to RBC a source in the Communist party.

