In the state Duma has released a statement following the viewing of “Matilda”


RIA Novosti

Deputies of the state Duma Committee on culture held a special viewing of “Matilda” by Alexei Uchitel has released a statement in which it noted the absence of a pattern of violations of Russian legislation.

“It’s bright, interesting, professionally shot film, in which the creative fiction are seamlessly integrated into the context of the history of our great country” — leads TASS excerpts from the document.

According to deputies, the Emperor Nikolay II is shown in the movie “great love and reverence.”

“I would like to emphasize that the film does not contain any materials that violate Russian legislation, including legislation aimed at the protection of morals and the feelings of believers. We believe that the wide theatrical release of the film will cause additional interest to the pages of history of our country”, — said the parliamentarian.

In the state Duma also declared the inadmissibility of censorship and violation of constitutional rights of citizens to freedom of creativity and participation in cultural life.

On September 28 the state Duma Committee on culture held a preview screening of “Matilda”.

