A smoke occurred in the train on the Butovo metro line

A smoke occurred in the train on the Butovo metro line in Moscow. About it reported to “lente.ru” on Saturday, September 30, a source in law enforcement bodies.

According to him, due to a technical fault the train got up on a stage. The source noted that the incident occurred between stations “Ulitsa starokachalovskaya” and “forest”. “At 13:20 received a report of smoke in the subway car. The scene caused all operational service,” he said.

It is clarified that the passengers in the train are gone, percepta cars, threats to transportation security no. However, the spacing of trains on the Butovsky branch increased. “According to preliminary data, the reason of technical difficulties in reserve,” — said a source in law enforcement bodies.

The Butovskaya line, the twelfth line of the Moscow metro. Part of it passes through the overpass above the ground.

28 September on the southern segment of Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya line of Moscow subway has failed because of a power surge. To ensure passengers the gray line subway was organized by the movement of the compensation buses.

