Trump has called Kim Jong-UN crazy

Donald Trump

The President of the United States Donald trump believes that North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN out of his mind. About this he wrote on Twitter on Friday, September 22.

“North Korea’s Kim Jong-UN, obviously, a madman who is completely comfortable with the hunger and the murder of its own people,” — said in a tweet trump. The President added that the leader of North Korea will face “unprecedented difficulties”.

Earlier on September 22, Kim Jong-UN considered it trump from the podium of the UN General Assembly about the possibility of complete destruction of North Korea declaring war on North Korea. The day before the Minister of foreign Affairs of North Korea Lee Yong-Ho called the speech trump “dog barking”.

On 19 September President of the United States from the rostrum of the UN General Assembly has promised to “completely destroy” North Korea. According to trump, the United States will have no choice, if Pyongyang does not come on.

8 August, North Korea threatened to go on “physical actions” in response to the adoption by the UN Security Council in respect of new sanctions. After that, the Pentagon chief James Mattis threatened North Korea “with the death of the regime and the destruction of the people”.

