The victims of the earthquake in Mexico were more than 40 people

The victims of the earthquake in Mexico were more than 40 people

MOSCOW, 19 Sep — RIA Novosti. At least 42 people were killed in the Mexican state of Morelos after the earthquake, said the state Governor Graco Ramirez on Twitter.


“First preliminary report on the victims,” wrote Ramirez. He posted on his page a table with the first preliminary data about the victims, which indicates that their total number amounted to 42 people. At least three people were killed in the state of Puebla.

Information about the Russians among the victims yet.

An earthquake of magnitude of 7.1 occurred in Mexico on Tuesday. Tremors recorded at 18.14 UTC (21.14 GMT). The epicenter was located 49 kilometers southwest of Puebla de Zaragoza is 8 kilometers from the settlement of Tepeojuma. The earthquake lies at a depth of 60 kilometers.

URGENT PRAYER REQUEST: Mexico City and surrounding areas have been hit hard by a 7.1 earthquake. HWW is in contact with our partners there.

— HOPE worldwide (@HOPEworldwide) 19 Sep 2017
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Powerful tremors were felt in Mexico city. The Minister of civil defense, Mexico city Fausto Lugo, reported on fires, collapse of buildings after the earthquake. According to him, under blockages there are people. Traffic on the streets in many areas are completely closed, and formed a huge tube, local residents have reported gas leaks. Mexico city international airport Benito Juarez suspended the work.

7.1 #Eartquake #Mexico City.
Buildings are collapsing. #PrayForMexico #19Sep same day than a big eartquake 32 years ago. 1985

— Photo Geo (@PhotoTimeGeo) 19 Sep 2017
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