The court found discrimination the refusal to take the woman steering the ship in Samara

Svetlana Medvedeva

Samara district court found discrimination in the denial of Samara river passenger company (SRPP) to take local resident Svetlana Medvedev to work due to the fact that she is a woman. The plaintiff’s claim was partially satisfied, informs the Agency “Interfax-the Volga region” on Monday, September 18.

The judge did not oblige the company to conclude Medvedeva employment contract: in the spring of 2017 woman working as a ship’s captain in another enterprise — “Novokuibyshevsk oil refinery”.

The claim Medvedeva has spanned five years. The woman was told that the diploma of technician-a skipper and a sailor specialty “steering-mechanic” she got in the Samara river College in 2005. In 2012, Medvedev settled in SRPP — worked on the ship “Moscow-95”. Then she verbally agreed with the management on the work of the helmsman-a mechanic on the ship “the Ohm-338”, but in the personnel Department she was refused.

In court representatives of the company explained that the position is included in the “list of heavy works and works with harmful or dangerous working conditions, under which prohibits the employment of women.”

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Medvedev argued that it is sufficient to issue noise headphones, but lawyers SRPP replied that “no headphones will not help, you just need to remove the engine from the ship”.

Losing the courts, Medvedev appealed to the UN Committee dealing with issues of discrimination against women. The organization also recognized the right of Russia to occupy the position of the steering-minder. In July 2017, Russia’s Supreme court sent the case back for reconsideration in the court of first instance.

The official list of the types of work that are forbidden to meet women in Russia, includes 456 occupations in 38 sectors. It has operated since 1974. The UN has repeatedly recognized the document discriminating against women. In January 2017 the Ministry of labor promised to revise it.

