Plate and mug: what can turn a deceased relative

Plate and mug: what can turn a deceased relative

Vinyl records, tableware, flower pots and diamonds from the ashes of a loved one can do many different useful things. The imagination of the businessmen who are engaged in it, is not in place.

John Hobson listens to a record on which is recorded his conversations with the late mother, mostly about family.

The words are stored on a vinyl record, but it’s not just recording memories.

The vinyl contains the remains of Madge Hobson, and in the center of the plate — a picture of her and a description of the main events of life.

“Perfect family recording that can be passed from generation to generation,” says the 46-year-old founder of the company And Vynyly Jason Leach.

His firm produces such records and is part of a rapidly growing industry. No need to store human cremains in an urn or scatter them in the wind. Part of someone can always be with you.

69-year-old Hobson, an architect by profession, said that his mother, a born-again Christian, would support the idea with on her plate.

I had to put part of the ashes kept in the urn and pour it in the tablespoon in several plastic bags – one for each disk.John Jobsearching

It was made 15 recordings for family and friends. “I think the company And Vynyly undoubtedly helped to preserve the memory of his mother,” says Hobson.

Leach company is located in Scarborough on the North East of England. The idea of the production of plates with the remains of the individuals inside appeared to him 10 years ago.

The business plan was not. He only began to think about life and death. These thoughts pushed him to a new place of work mother’s — funeral home.

“I was stunned by how little my friends and I thought about the fact that we are all mortal, and how fiercely we defend ourselves from everything connected with death, even conversations. I wasn’t planning to do this business,” explains Leach.

The process resembles the production of normal vinyl records but at one stage is added to the ashes of a person or animal.

You need to find a balance between the remains were visible, and maintaining good-quality playback. Of course, there will be more cracking due to the addition of the dust, but it is rather a positive thing because it also reminds about the person.Jason Economical company And Vynyly

The production cost varies depending on complexity of the order. A basic set costs about 900 pounds (about 1150 dollars), and the most expensive option will cost 3 thousand pounds ($3.8 thousand).

