Netanyahu has cancelled a visit of the Ukrainian Prime Minister due to the support of Kiev, the UN security Council resolution

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled a visit to the country by Prime Minister of Ukraine Vladimir Groisman, who was to be held next week. It is reported TASS with reference to the newspaper “Yediot Ahronot”.   Such a decision, Netanyahu adopted after Ukraine voted for anti-Israel resolution on settlements, which yesterday received the UN security Council.   “Netanyahu, who heads the foreign Ministry of Israel has decided to cancel an official visit to the Jewish state Ukrainian Prime Minister Groisman, which was scheduled for next week”, – reports the edition.   The UN security Council adopted a resolution demanding that Israel immediately cease all settlement activity in the occupied Palestinian territories. This resolution was supported by 14 member countries of the UN security Council. The U.S. delegation abstained and did not use the veto. Photo: Yin Bogu / Xinhua / Globallookpress

In North Carolina as a result of firing 4 people died

As a result of shooting in the us state of North Carolina killed four people, reports CBS News, citing local authorities. The incident occurred in Wilson County on Saturday afternoon, December 24. According to the press Secretary of the Sheriff, law enforcement officers engaged in the identification of dead and notification of their families. Other details not yet reported. According to local residents, it is a quiet area where such incidents haven’t happened yet.

Doctors reported the condition of the hospitalized Luzhkov

Yuri Luzhkov Former Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov, who was admitted to a Minsk hospital on December 23 with inflammation of the right lung, will soon be moved from ICU to a regular room. About this “Interfax” said a source in medical circles. “Luzhkov is observed positive dynamics, it already feels good,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, it is planned that the former mayor will write to the New year, so he celebrated in the family circle. Luzhkov himself said that he had inflammation of the right lung due to a viral infection. After discharge, he is going to attend a concert of the Turetsky choir in Moscow. Performances in the Russian capital is scheduled for 25 and 30 December. December 23, several media outlets reported that the former Moscow mayor was urgently hospitalized and placed in intensive care. “Interfax” citing sources claimed that the doctors took him

The rating of trust of Russians to Vladimir Putin continues to grow, the survey showed

Photo: RIA Novosti More than 60% of Russians trust the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, to be composed of VTSIOM, the rating of trust in politicians. According to the survey, the activity of Putin on a post of the President of the country approve of 85,8% of Russians. “The trust rating of politicians figures of Vladimir Putin continue to grow: according to a recent poll, it is 61.3%”, — stated in the message. It is noted that the trust rating of politicians ranks second foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (14,4%), the third Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev (13.7 per cent). The confidence rating is headed by the leader of LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky (21,7%), 10% of respondents would not trust the decision of important state questions to the leader of the CPRF Gennady Zyuganov. The initiative Russian opinion poll was conducted on December 17-18 2016 in 130 settlements in Russia among 1,600 people.

Thousands of believers gathered in front of the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem

Hundreds of pilgrims and tourists arrived in Bethlehem to celebrate Christmas. According to Church tradition, it was in this city was born Jesus Christ. The main event will be midnight mass.   In anticipation of the Catholic Christmas, you can follow the route of Santa Claus. Watching him with the air force base in Colorado. This year Santa started his journey from Chukotka. Thus, Russia became the first country where he looked. At the moment, Santa Claus managed to distribute for more than two billion gifts.   Special Christmas atmosphere in Berlin. Despite the recent terrorist attack, the Germans are going to resume work festive fairs to buy gifts for relatives and friends. Photo: Hassan Abedalrahman / / Globallookpress

The journalists accused the UN chief of bribery

UN Secretary-General and former foreign Minister of South Korea ban Ki-moon was accused of receiving bribes. This is stated in the published on Saturday, December 24, article on the results of investigative journalism edition of Sisa Journal. The article reports that ban Ki-moon received a total of 230 thousand dollars as a “gift” from businessman Park Yeon cha. The initial amount of $ 200 thousand dollars a businessman handed over to a future UN Secretary General on 3 may 2005. This came after talks held the position of Minister ban Ki-moon with the Vietnamese counterpart, who arrived in Seoul for a visit. As specifies the edition, money Pak, who was then the honorary Consul of Vietnam in South Korea, carried in a sports bag. In 2007, the businessman handed over to ban Ki-moon 30 thousand dollars. The UN Secretary General, and the businessman has already stated that the accusations are

Members of the Russian PEN center appealed to Putin to pardon.

More than 60 members of the world organization of writers (Russian PEN-center) signed a letter to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin with the request to pardon a Ukrainian Director Oleg Sentsov, who was convicted for organizing terrorist attacks in the Crimea. About it reports on Saturday, December 24, RIA Novosti. “Please use all available resources and mechanisms for the speedy release of our colleague Oleg Sentsov”, — quotes Agency part of the appeal. According to him, the letter was signed by 61 people. In the PEN-center of “Interfax” declared that is not addressed to the President of Russia. “We do Mr Putin wrote. The Executive Committee and the President of PEN center not involved in this”, — emphasized in the organization. The press service explained that the initiative comes “from a group of “liberal” opposition, with us trying to interfere and run our own line.” “They are members of