In the state Duma responded to the media about hacker attacks on the Russian system


New Kuban

MOSCOW, 5 Dec — RIA Novosti. Work to ensure the security of Russian information systems occur daily, told RIA Novosti the head of the Duma Committee on information policy, Leonid Levin, commenting on media reports about the penetration of us military hackers in electricity and telecommunications in Russia.

Earlier NBC News reported that American hackers working for the U.S. government, penetrated into the Russian infrastructure and the “command system of the Kremlin”, making them vulnerable to attack, which the United States, if it is deemed necessary, can take.

“All necessary actions associated with providing this kind of security occur on a daily basis, and their quality does not depend on any information from the Western media,” said Levin.

In his opinion, the security of information systems of the Russian Federation is stable and is constantly monitored by special authorities, therefore, “to respond to various stuffing not consider necessary.”

“Of course, we are concerned that such discussions and statements pokroviteljstvom various high officials in the West, and sometimes even publicly supported,” he added.

