The media talked about the US response to the alleged threat from Russian hackers


White house reaction to allegedly perpetrated by hackers from Russia of cyber attack could include economic sanctions against hackers associated with the structures, retaliatory cyber attacks on the computer systems of the Russian Federation and departure from the country of alleged members of the Russian intelligence services, the newspaper reported Washington Post, citing unnamed representatives of the American authorities.

As writes the edition, the U.S. administration during the months considering various options in response to Russia’s actions, which Washington accuses of “hacking with the intent to undermine the election of the President,” but will not take retaliatory action before the presidential election. The reason for this is the White house fears that the active response actions until after the election will give Moscow “a time to apply more direct damage in the last days of the campaign.”

In the administration of those who advocate restraint in this matter, believe that supposedly coming from Russia, the threat will diminish after the elections. The white house wants to avoid escalation of the conflict, as it can have serious consequences for the next President. As the newspaper notes, the decision of the administration may depend on the actions of Russia in the coming days. In particular, the attack intended to disrupt the elections might lead to a more aggressive US response, said an unnamed official.

US intelligence agencies do not believe that Russia can seriously influence the outcome of elections, but do not rule out that she may be trying to sow doubt about the legitimacy of the results and methods of a hacker will try to fabricate evidence of fraud. However, as the newspaper writes, the Ministry of national security of the United States argue that Russia “scans” state databases and computer systems for voting. “Whether or not they tried to penetrate them, it is not clear”, — said the representative of the authorities.

The US government has never backed up by evidence their allegations of Russian involvement in the attacks aim to affect the outcome of the presidential election. Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking about the accusations of Russia in the hacker attacks, said in published data, there is nothing in the interests of Russia, hysteria-mongering to distract from their content.

