Protesters in Khabarovsk demanded fair to punish girls ipoderac

In Khabarovsk on Saturday, 5 November, animal rights activists held a rally under the slogan “No knackers!” against the abuse of animals. As reported “Interfax” the Chairman of the regional organization “Zoozaschita” DV Natalya Kovalenko, the event attracted four times more participants than planned.

“We stated about 50 participants, however, came about 200 people. People understand the seriousness of the situation with the cruel treatment of animals and want to bring this to the attention of the wider public,” she said.

People came to the event with their families, some brought dogs. The participants brought posters with inscriptions: “Zhivoderok in jail!”, “Russia without cruelty!”, “Lock content zoosadism to all Internet resources” and others.

The participants demanded the tightening of article 245 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (“Cruel treatment of animals”), the adoption of the law about responsible treatment of animals and fair punishment for the girls, arranged the massacre of Pets. In addition, local animal rights activists demanded the inclusion of an item on sterilization in the regional law on the catching of neglected animals.

Action against Skinner on 5 and 6 November will be held in 70 cities of Russia.

On 29 October in Khabarovsk held a picket against animal abuse. Then at the event, according to police, gathered more than 150 people.

In mid-October, the press got information that the two minor girls killed animals and filmed the process on video and photos. Victims, they chose placed online ads on the transfer of the animals are in good hands.

A criminal case was initiated under article about animal cruelty committed by a group of persons upon a preliminary collusion. For both 17-year-old suspects appointed psychological and psychiatric examination, one of them placed under house arrest after trying to flee to St. Petersburg. The investigation found that they killed at least 15 animals.

