The pension Fund of Russia Pugacheva invited to issue the parent capital

The pension Fund of Russia Pugacheva invited to issue the parent capital MOSCOW, Aug 25 — RIA Novosti. The pension Fund of Russia (PFR) has invited people’s artist of the USSR Alla Pugacheva to issue the parent capital, which the singer, in particular, can pay for the education of children, told RIA Novosti press-Secretary of the Fund Margarita Nagoga. “Alla Borisovna has not yet applied to us to receive the parent capital. And, accordingly, we invite you to come to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to submit an application for a certificate. If the children are already three years, these funds can already be used”, she said. As has explained a press-the Secretary of the Fund, the funds of the parent capital can be spent on any law, certain areas, in particular, on payment of educational services, e.g. kindergarten. ArticleMatkapital: how to get it and what to spend

The Ministry of economic development spoke about the future of work books

The Ministry of economic development spoke about the future of work books The Ministry of economic development should form a regulatory framework of digital economy development programme which was approved at the end of July. According to Shipov, the solution of this problem provides a set of measures, which can be divided into short, medium and long. He said that a coherent concept of short-term measures should be available before the end of 2017. One such short-term measures — avoiding paper work books, it is told in the Department message. “No matter where a person lives, it is important that its competence consistent with the work that is required. Remote possibility to conclude contracts of employment, refusal of work books, the transition to e-HR document management — all of which should increase labor mobility and give impetus to the development of the digital economy,” said Spikes. Among medium-term measures Spikes

Died beaten at the scene of the murder Nemtsov volunteer

Ivan Skripnichenko In the Moscow Institute Sklifosovsky died volunteer Ivan Skripnichenko, who for some days before it broke his nose on the site of the murder of opposition leader Boris Nemtsov. On Twitter said Andrei Margules, human rights activist and one of those who guards the spontaneous memorial policy on the Big Moskvoretsky bridge. — Andrew Margules (@margulev) 24 August 2017, 19:47 According to him, which leads to “the Media”, the evening of 15 August, she was on duty on the bridge, the unknown approached to it and tried to talk to him. When the volunteer turned, the man punched him in the nose. Activists called the police, and the victim was taken in “sklif”, where he was diagnosed with a fracture. The attacker, law enforcement officers are not found. After medical examination she went home. “A couple of days we phoned, he was going to go and write the

The government of Moscow region decided on the timing of the reclamation polygon “Kuchino”

Works on recultivation of municipal solid waste (MSW) “Kuchino” in Balashikha is expected to start in March 2018. This is the website of the government of the Moscow region on Friday, August 25. “Company “Biorem” holds prejaculation operated according to the road map” — said the Deputy head of administration of Balashikha Dmitry Kozyrev. According to him, daily to a landfill comes to 350 trucks of earth, about 40% of its territory covered with soil. From 28 August, workers will begin pumping leachate. August 24, the government issued a decree concerning the definition of a single supplier with whom a contract for the design of rehabilitation work. Prior to February 1, the project must pass environmental and state expert examination and public hearings. In a straight line residents of Balashikha complained to the President at the sprawling houses a landfill — MSW “Kuchino”. Vladimir Putin demanded that the head of

Survivors and witnesses told about the bus falling into the sea in the Kuban

One of the survivors in the bus falling into the sea in the Krasnodar region told them what had happened. His words are in Telegram channel Mash. “Normally sat, it was going like yesterday, like the day before. As the dock began to descend, something had snapped, a sound, and he began to pick up speed. Then for some reason turned to the dock, which is under construction. Everyone said it was driver side. When the pier was driving, tried to break the door, glass,” he said. REN TV spoke with a local resident who witnessed the accident. “In the first few minutes people were able to swim, but it seemed that in the fall (a height appropriate), someone has lost consciousness and could not. In the first few minutes people were still out, and then the divers reacted”, — said the interlocutor of the channel. also quotes the

Found the body of the 17th victim in the bus falling into the sea in the Kuban

Found the body of the 17th victim in the bus falling into the sea in the Kuban Moscow. August 25. INTERFAX.RU — Rescuers found the body of the deceased in the seventeenth the fall of the bus from the pier in the Krasnodar region, reported “Interfax” source in emergency services of the region. “According to preliminary information, was able to establish the whereabouts of the seventeenth of the deceased”, — said the source. An accident with a bus carrying shift workers occurred on Friday morning near the village of Volna in Krasnodar region. Earlier it was reported that was able to save 24 people, some of them required hospitalization. In TFR called the alleged cause of the fall of the bus into the water accident. The source of “Interfax” in operational services of the region added that the accident, one of the basic versions happened because of brake failure. According

MOE reported 16 dead in the bus falling into the sea in the Kuban

MOE reported 16 dead in the bus falling into the sea in the Kuban Victims of a bus accident in the Kuban were 16 people. About TASS reported by the Main Department of EMERCOM in Krasnodar territory. “16 people dead, 24 rescued, 8 of them hospitalized,” — said the Agency. As the reasons of falling of the bus to the sea is called brake failure. Administration Temryuk district on whose territory the emergency occurred, earlier it was reported that the bus was carrying workers of the company “Tamanneftegas” to the object they were engaged in the construction of the pier. Publication of Tapadar™ — Krasnodar (@typodar) Aug 25 2017 1:27 PDT During the download an error has occurred. “During the descent to the Wharf at the bus brakes failed. He went to the pier, we passed on it 300-400 meters and fell into the water”, — explained in regional administration.

SC opened a case after the fall of the bus into the sea in the Kuban and the deaths of 14 people

SC opened a case after the fall of the bus into the sea in the Kuban and the deaths of 14 people The investigative Committee opened a criminal case in connection with death of people in the fall of the bus into the sea in the Krasnodar region. On Friday, August 25, said “the” the official representative office, Svetlana Petrenko. According to her, the investigation is underway under article about infringement of traffic regulations and operation of vehicles. Chairman SK Alexander Bastrykin has instructed to submit the criminal case to the investigation Department. On the scene, experienced investigators and criminologists of the Central apparatus, said Petrenko. “Will consider all possible versions of the accident, including related traffic violations by the bus driver, technical malfunction, will also be the role of individuals who have the responsibility for monitoring the technical condition of the vehicle and safety of the employees. Only

The interior Ministry has proposed new terms of registration of the passport

The interior Ministry has proposed new terms of registration of the passport To obtain a passport for the actual location will be on a month faster. The interior Ministry published the draft law on reduction of terms of registration of foreign passports Russians have submitted their documents by location (not by the place of registration). Term of registration of passport proposed to be reduced from four months to three, it follows from the text of the bill. Document on Friday, 25 August, published on the portal of projects of normative acts, his public discussion will last until 8 September. The proposed MIA rule should apply to an ordinary passport and biometric (issued for five and 10 years, respectively), it follows from the explanatory note to the bill. According to the law on the procedure of exit and entry into Russia, where the interior Ministry has proposed to amend the international

Predicted the victory trump the Professor spoke about his possible impeachment

Predicted the victory trump the Professor spoke about his possible impeachment According to Alan Lichtman, enough circumstances so that you can start this procedure. Predicted the outcomes of all US presidential elections since 1984 the political scientist Allan Lichtman predicts the impeachment of the current President Donald Trump. According to the Professor, for the first nine months as President were a lot of circumstances in which to start the investigation. “Even information that is well-known, provide a reasonable basis for the nomination Trump accusations of obstruction of justice… it is obvious that he has violated the constitutional provision on remuneration, which provides that the President shall not be entitled to any kind of value from foreign governments or organizations,” Lichtman said in an interview with RT. In addition, according to the analyst, there is evidence that “during the election campaign team of the trump could act in collusion with Russia.”