Put the cats: tweet began a spontaneous flash mob after the terrorist attack in Barcelona

Put the cats: tweet began a spontaneous flash mob after the terrorist attack in Barcelona The evening of 17 August in Las Ramblas in Central Barcelona, a van drove into pedestrians. Injured, according to police, 32 people. Officially reported one dead; according to media reports, the victims can be 13. 15фотографий15фотографий15фотографийUPD: the government of Catalonia confirmed the death of 13 people in the attack in Barcelona Soon after the release information about the attack on Twitter started a flash mob: users posted pictures of cats with hashtags of Barcelona and Las Ramblas. They did it to prevent the terrorist (or terrorists) to track the movement of police and out of respect for the victims of the terrorist attack. #Barcelona Por respeto no hay que difundir imágenes de los heridos, un poco de conciencia. pic.twitter.com/9DRxsTEdI3 — Gks1 (@Kevingks) 17 Aug 2017 During the download an error has occurred.”Out of respect for

In the state Duma proposed to oblige the sacked officials accounting for expenses

In the state Duma proposed to oblige the sacked officials accounting for expenses In the “United Russia” develop amendments requiring the sacked officials for several years to report their costs. If the amendments are approved, annually, the Declaration will have to serve hundreds of thousands of people. Controls after dismissal In the state Duma Committee for security and combating corruption developed amendments to the legislation, which will allow you to control expenses of officials after their dismissal from state and municipal service. About it RBC was told by the head of the Committee, member of the faction “United Russia” Vasily Piskarev. We are talking about amendments to the law on combating corruption, they can be introduced in the autumn session, said the MP. “We intend to develop and propose amendments that would oblige public servants to provide information about their costs, not only while they hold office, but within a

Court of Venezuela issued a warrant for the arrest of the wife of the former attorney General

The Supreme court of Venezuela issued a warrant for the arrest of the Deputy, Herman Ferrer, the wife of the dismissed Constituent Assembly attorney General Luisa Ortega Diaz, the Associated Press reports. Authorities have accused Ferrer of involvement in the extortion of $ 6 million. New public Prosecutor Tarek William Saab said that the criminal group extorted money from several persons, including businessmen in the oil sector, in exchange for protection from prosecution. The leader of the ruling Socialist party Diosdado Cabello gave prosecutors the proof that Ferrer and associates opened six Bank accounts in the Bahamas branch of a Swiss Bank. Ferrer denies the accusation. His whereabouts and the whereabouts of his wife, the former Prosecutor General, is still unknown. Authorities searched their house. In Venezuela the political confrontation between the government of President Nicolas Maduro and the opposition, which after the election belongs to the majority in Parliament.

The mayor of Seattle has called to remove the monument to Lenin

The mayor of the American city of Seattle ed Murray urged to dismantle the monument to soldiers who fought in the Civil war on the side of the Confederacy and a statue of Soviet state founder Vladimir Lenin in Fremont. About this newspaper The Seattle Times. According to Murray, the monuments represent the “historical injustice” and are symbols of hatred, racism and violence. Monument erected in 1926 by the organization “United daughters of the Confederacy,” and Lenin statue are in private ownership. However, as noted by Murray, they should be removed. “Their existence causes pain to those who themselves or whose family members were affected by these atrocities, — the mayor noted. — This applies to the memorials of the Confederacy, and statues, worship of the founder of the Soviet authoritarian regime.” Lenin statue for sale, are often exposed to desecration of red paint, symbolizing blood. The desire of the

Presents new data on the incident with the crackdown on police in Barcelona

The incident with the car, ran over police in Barcelona, although that was connected with the attack in the city centre. About this newspaper La Vanguardia, citing law enforcement agencies. The Spaniard, who was killed in this car, sat in the passenger seat. According to some data, he was not shot by security forces, and slaughtered by an unknown. 17 Aug van ran into pedestrians on the Las Ramblas in Barcelona. According to recent reports, killed 13 people, injured more than 100. The driver from a scene disappeared. Some time later, on the Diagonal Avenue, an unknown man on a car ran into the cordoned off the scene police. After the chase, as it was reported, he was shot. In the case of the terrorist attack arrested two suspects, they are immigrants from North Africa. Responsibility for their actions was assumed banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state”. In addition, on

Ukrainian high science came to an end, said Rogozin

Photo: RIA Novosti MOSCOW, 16 Aug — RIA Novosti. High science and industry of Ukraine today is completely destroyed, many skilled professionals of this country move to Russia and my citizenship, said Wednesday in an interview with TV channel “Russia 24” Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. “Our work on the rocket “Soyuz-5” stems from the fact that we lost all cooperation with Ukraine on the rocket “Zenith”. It was a good rocket, cheap, very reliable. But now how to work with Yuzhmash? All gone, youth is gone. We know this because a lot of specialists come to us, receive our citizenship,” he said. According to him, “the Ukrainian industry, Ukrainian high science and technology came to an end, and it’s a crime that was committed by the Kiev authorities.” Speaking about the possibility of illegal cooperation “Yuzhmash” with North Korea, Deputy Prime Minister said that today the specialists of Ukrainian

USA, North Korea and South Korea need to change the tone of the conversation, says Bystritsky

Photo: RIA Novosti The risk of the outbreak of hostilities on the Korean Peninsula is, therefore, the United States, the DPRK and South Korea need to change the tone of the conversation, the Chairman of the Foundation Council of the club “Valdai” Andrey Bystritsky. The situation on the Korean Peninsula escalated after exchange of harsh words between the DPRK and the United States. North Korea has promised to release a ballistic missile to the area of GUAM, where the us air base Andersen naval base APRA-Harborne. The US President Donald trump said that if the DPRK leader Kim Jong-UN “do something with GUAM, North Korea will happen such an event, which no one has ever seen”. “I do not believe that war is inevitable. I think it probable, and more probable than ever for a number of reasons. First, with great ease began to talk about it. The very utterance

Spring commented on the monument to Ukrainian security forces

Photo: RIA Novosti MOSCOW, 16 Aug — RIA Novosti. The Kiev authorities would do well to remember the famous words, “Who with a sword to us will come, from a sword will perish” before installing the monument to those killed in the military operation zone in the Donbass Ukrainian security forces, said Vice-speaker of the state Duma Irina Yarovaya. Earlier in Kiev, a monument to the Ukrainian law enforcers, he looks like a sword plunging into the map of the Russian Federation, which is put on a pedestal of white paint. As explained by the organizers, the monument was established to honor the memory of those killed in the Donbas war and to remind the people of Kiev about the price of peace. The monument is made of granite, its height more than 2.5 meters. “(Ukrainian President Petro) Poroshenko, before to sculpt swords on the map of Russia, was to

Scientists have found water on the equator of Mars

Scientists have found water on the equator of Mars Experts analyzed pictures from the Mars Odyssey probe, and came to this conclusion. A group of scientists from Britain and the United States conducted an analysis of images from Mars and came to the conclusion that the red planet there are significant reserves of ice. This is stated in an article published in the journal Icarus. The researchers analyzed maps of hydrogen distribution in the Martian soil, which was obtained by the probe Mars Odyssey. They were able to increase the image resolution, which allowed us to extract additional information from each pixel of the picture. Improved quality of maps, scientists have found a previously unknown deposits of ice in the tropics and near the equator of Mars. Previously it was thought that such deposits are in volcanic rocks. According to researchers, the presence of glaciers at the equator of the

The fall in Russia expect the appearance of the four types of flu

The fall in Russia expect the appearance of the four types of flu MOSCOW, 17 Aug — RIA Novosti. The Russians in the autumn of this year will face four variants of influenza virus, Hong Kong, swine and type b, one of them is a new strain, so you need to get vaccinated, said the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova. “The flu is inevitable. Comes to us every year with different intensity, with different sets of new strains. This year we expect a new strain of the virus A (H1N1), the so-called swine flu, and two former variant of influenza A (H3N2), Hong Kong, is a variant in the vaccine… and will continue to, period, so to speak, a variant of influenza virus B”, — said Popov on the TV channel “Russia 24”. One of the virus, according to her, has a new strain, so the vaccine last year may