For the sake of a new road, they offered to kill hundreds of kangaroos

In Australia, they planned to shoot 300 kangaroos to free up space for the construction site at no cost construction costs. The city council proposed to shoot 300 kangaroos to make room for a new road and a sports complex, writes DailyMail. A population of hundreds of gray kangaroos lives in an area of ​​67 hectares. Based on the results of the environmental expertise, the municipal authorities decided not to relocate the animals – the procedure will take too long, and the movement of each individual will cost 1.6 thousand dollars. Solving the problem with tranquilizers is unprofitable – then it will be impossible to sell animal meat from – for the presence of chemicals in it. Experts do not recommend sterilization, and poisoning is considered too cruel and illegal. The document concluded that the best way to get rid of the kangaroos is to shoot them. Killing one animal

For the sake of a new road, they offered to kill hundreds of kangaroos

Australia plans to shoot 300 kangaroos to free up space for construction at no cost construction costs. The city council proposed to shoot 300 kangaroos to make room for a new road and a sports complex, writes DailyMail. A population of hundreds of gray kangaroos lives in an area of ​​67 hectares. Based on the results of the environmental expertise, the municipal authorities decided not to relocate the animals – the procedure will take too long, and the movement of each individual will cost 1.6 thousand dollars. Solving the problem with tranquilizers is unprofitable – then it will be impossible to sell animal meat from – for the presence of chemicals in it. Experts do not recommend sterilization, and poisoning is considered too cruel and illegal. The document concluded that the best way to get rid of the kangaroos is to shoot them. Killing one animal will cost only $

Испанская деревня-призрак, затопленная 30 лет назад, показалась из воды

Будущее деревни Асередо оказалось под угрозой, когда когда в 1968 году Испания и Португалия заключили соглашение об использовании общей реки Лима для строительства плотины Линдозо. Сделка предполагала затопление деревень по берегам Лимы и переселение жителей в другие места. Чтобы выселить жителей местных деревень, португальская гидроэнергетическая компания EDP предложила им деньги. Но большинство людей, живших в Асередо, поначалу не хотели покидать свои дома. Они протестовали и устраивали голодовки. Но в итоге компания убедила 51% жителей переехать и взять деньги, и меньшинству не осталось ничего, кроме как тоже согласиться. Деревня была затоплена. Обитателям Асередо, как и жителям другие окрестных деревень, пришлось покинуть свои дома навсегда. Руины домов и построек небольшой деревни обычно скрыты под водой. Но когда уровень воды в португальском водохранилище Линдозо становится низким, Асередо появляется на поверхности. Стены большинства зданий разрушились от воды, оконные рамы остались пустыми, но некоторые постройки остались на удивление нетронутыми. В деревне было 70 домов, в них жили около 120 человек. Несмотря на 30 лет пребывания под водой, в деревне сохранились очертания сельскохозяйственных угодий, обнесенные каменными стенами, а также старые дороги и тропинки. Старые автомобили и личные вещи жителей деревни

Красочные вихри пыли в созвездии Орион показали на фото

Космический телескоп «Хаббл» сделал впечатляющую фотографию космических вихрей пыли на фоне разноцветного газа и сияющих звезд. Эта необычная «вуаль» — на самом деле эмиссионная туманность NGC 2024 в созвездии Орион примерно в 1400 световых годах от Земли. Эмиссионными или самосветящимися называют межзвездные облака, светящиеся в оптическом диапазоне из-за ионизации собственного газа. NGC 2024, известная также как туманность «Пламя», — это большая область звездообразования. «Хаббл» сфокусировался на темном пыльном «сердце» туманности, где находится звездное скопление, в основном скрытое от глаз. Рядом расположена яркая звезда Альнитак. Хотя она не попала в кадр, именно лучи этой тройной звезды ионизируют водород в туманности. Черная пятница обрушит цены на тысячи товаров Анна Лысенко Еще больше интересного о космосе

HRC member responded to Kadyrov's ban on mentioning the nationality of criminals

HRC member Merkacheva responded to Kadyrov's ban on indicating the nationalities of criminals in the media Member of the Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights HRC) Eva Merkacheva appreciated the idea of ​​banning mentioning the nationalities of criminals in the media. reports her words. According to Merkacheva, she herself opposes the adoption of the document, since this measure depersonalizes the criminals. “The person who committed the crime was definitely born somewhere, he is of a certain gender, he has an age, he has an education, and so on. When we present these data, we partially make it clear why this or that crime was committed. This is both for thought and for prevention, “she said. Earlier, during the discussion around the bill, Kadyrov proposed to oblige the media to indicate in the materials the nationality of all criminals, and not just Caucasians. “Do you want absolute freedom

The oldest inhabitant of the planet dies

In the Philippines, the oldest inhabitant of the planet, Francisca Susano, died at 125 years of age This was reported by the Kabankalan city government on Facebook. The long-liver passed away on the evening of Monday, November 22. “It is with sadness in our hearts that we received the news that our beloved Francisca Susano has passed away. She will always remain our inspiration and pride, “the message says. The local health department noted that the woman did not have any symptoms of a viral disease. According to city officials, the status the deceased as the oldest person on the planet was officially confirmed by the Guinness Book of Records. In August it was reported that one of the oldest residents of Saratov, Vera Zudova, celebrated her 101st birthday. The long-liver was congratulated by the head of the municipality Sergey Grachev, the director of the school number 21 Sofya Andreyanova

Details of Svetlichnaya's hospitalization have been disclosed

Granddaughter Maria Ivashova: Svetlichnaya felt unwell and agreed to be hospitalized concierge and called an ambulance. Details of the hospitalization of the honored artist of the RSFSR were revealed by her granddaughter Maria Ivashova, writes StarHit. According to Ivashova, relatives, having arrived at Svetlichnaya, saw an ambulance near the house. The 81-year-old actress agreed to be hospitalized. “They put her in a neurosurgical intensive care unit, and there are no mobile phones. You can only communicate with the attending physician, “said Svetlichnaya's granddaughter on the Let They Talk program on Channel One. Relatives did not specify how Svetlichnaya feels now, noting only that qualified care has been organized for her. she has everything she needs. Earlier, the media reported that Svetlana Svetlichnaya ended up in a psychiatric clinic due to damage to the cerebral vessels. It was noted that initially she ended up in the hospital due to heart problems.

The oldest inhabitant of the planet dies

In the Philippines, the oldest inhabitant of the planet Francisca Susano died at 125 years old This was reported by the Kabankalan city government on Facebook. The long-liver passed away on the evening of Monday, November 22. “It is with sadness in our hearts that we received the news that our beloved Francisca Susano has passed away. She will always remain our inspiration and pride, “the message says. The local health department noted that the woman did not have any symptoms of a viral disease. According to city officials, the status the deceased as the oldest person on the planet was officially confirmed by the Guinness Book of Records. In August it was reported that one of the oldest residents of Saratov, Vera Zudova, celebrated her 101st birthday. The long-liver was congratulated by the head of the municipality Sergey Grachev, the director of the school number 21 Sofya Andreyanova and

Details of Svetlichnaya's hospitalization have been disclosed

Granddaughter Maria Ivashova: Svetlichnaya felt unwell and agreed to be hospitalized concierge and called an ambulance. Details of the hospitalization of the honored artist of the RSFSR were revealed by her granddaughter Maria Ivashova, writes StarHit. According to Ivashova, relatives, having arrived at Svetlichnaya, saw an ambulance near the house. The 81-year-old actress agreed to be hospitalized. “They put her in a neurosurgical intensive care unit, and there are no mobile phones. You can only communicate with the attending physician, “said Svetlichnaya's granddaughter on the Let They Talk program on Channel One. Relatives did not specify how Svetlichnaya feels now, noting only that qualified care has been organized for her. she has everything she needs. Earlier, the media reported that Svetlana Svetlichnaya ended up in a psychiatric clinic due to damage to the cerebral vessels. It was noted that initially she ended up in the hospital due to heart problems.

HRC member responded to Kadyrov's ban on mentioning the nationality of criminals

HRC member Merkacheva responded to Kadyrov's ban on indicating the nationality of criminals in the media HRC) Eva Merkacheva appreciated the idea of ​​banning mentioning the nationalities of criminals in the media. reports her words. According to Merkacheva, she herself opposes the adoption of the document, since this measure depersonalizes the criminals. “The person who committed the crime was definitely born somewhere, he is of a certain gender, he has an age, he has an education, and so on. When we present these data, we partially make it clear why this or that crime was committed. This is both for thought and for prevention, “she said. Earlier, during the discussion around the bill, Kadyrov proposed to oblige the media to indicate in the materials the nationality of all criminals, and not just Caucasians. “Do you want absolute freedom of speech? Forward! From tomorrow, name everyone – Russian, Bashkir, Cossack,