Development Fund civil society has proposed to reform the municipal filter

Development Fund civil society has proposed to reform the municipal filter

The experts of the Foundation for civil society development (Fcsd) has published a report which proposed to prohibit candidates for Governor to collect more signatures than necessary for the passage of the municipal filter.

The report also says that the bar filter is necessary to reduce and to exempt from collecting signatures for candidates from the parties having representation of at least a quarter of the municipalities in the region. In addition, parties should be encouraged to nominate candidates in local elections and to work with municipalities.

In Fargo I think we need to exclude recurrence of the situation, when the candidate of the parliamentary parties represented in most of the municipalities in the region, “is on the sidelines”. The Fcsd experts recalled that this year happened with the candidate on elections of the head of Buryatia from the Communist party by Vyacheslav Marhaeva.

Fcsd also analyzed the success of participation of parties in elections of heads of regions over the past five years. “In the final table were all parties, candidates of which at least once was ranked second. Those were 11. Of course, the first four places were shared between the parliamentary parties — United Russia, KPRF, LDPR and SR. Fifth, sixth and seventh places were occupied by “Patriots of Russia”, “Civic Platform” and “Communists of Russia””, — stated in the report.

As reported by “Kommersant”, in the gubernatorial election on 10 September on the ballot will be a lot of little known candidates. Most of the respondents “b” signatories in different regions they say that the candidates to them personally is not addressed. Sometimes the desire to sign up for the candidate municipalities to explain the installation of the authorities, who were asked to provide assistance to the opponents.

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