Spring replied accusing the USSR in the outbreak of the Second world the foreign Minister of Poland

Irina Yarovaya

The statement of the Minister of foreign Affairs of Poland Witold Waszczykowski that the USSR along with Nazi Germany was responsible for starting world war II, to the position of the Nazis. This opinion on Saturday, August 12, was expressed by the Vice-speaker of the state Duma Irina Yarovaya, reports RIA Novosti.

“The Polish foreign Minister has come in his false cynicism to the position of ideologue of the Nazi Reich Goebbels: the more monstrously the lie, the more likely will believe it” — said the Deputy.

The MP added that the history has put everything in its place, an indisputable fact is “the victory of the USSR, Soviet people, Soviet soldiers over fascism and the liberation of Europe”. “But the skeletons in the closet of Polish politicians are yet to get their descendants, whom they dragged into a world of lies and aggression,” — said Yarovaya.

The statement Waszczykowski also responded to the Russian military-historical society, calling it nonsense. “This is an attempt of Poland to give his concept a reality, although this is absolute nonsense. (…) In August of 1939 years were the Anglo-Franco-Soviet negotiations, in which the question was raised about the fact that the Soviet Union desired to hold their troops through Poland towards Nazi Germany. But Poland has prevented that thus Poland has blocked the question of how to meet German troops on the distant frontiers. She contributed to the disruption of the creation of the anti-Hitler coalition on the eve of the Second world war,” — said in an interview with RT, the scientific Director of the organization Mikhail Myagkov.

The view that the USSR and Nazi Germany guilty of world war II, the Polish Minister stated on August 10. He also added that Moscow entered the war with the Third Reich “in their own interests as a victim of German aggression”.

In early August the Minister of defence of Poland Anthony Macierewicz told about the conspiracy, which consisted of the USSR and Nazi Germany to kill poles.

