In English the zoo-born Hippo. It was called Hodor!

In English the zoo-born Hippo. It was called Hodor!

July 21, at the Whipsnade zoo in the English County of Bedfordshire was born a Hippo. Zoo staff announced this just the other day.

The Hippo who at birth weighed about 30 kilograms, decided to call Hodor after a character in “Game of thrones”, “a lovely gentle giant”.

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Hodor is the third cub of his parents, 13-year-old Lola and 16-year-old Hoover. At the zoo told me that he has exactly the same pink spots on the foot as Lola.

“Hodor, it seems, confident and playful young Hippo. He likes to run over to mom and bite her tail,” — said the caretaker Angela Robinson.

