In the Public chamber proposed to increase the income of the Russian actors


RIA Novosti

In the Civil code of Russia need to be amended, which will increase the revenues of the Russian actors and other participants in the filmmaking. This was stated by a member of the Commission of the Public chamber of the Russian Federation on development of culture and preservation of the spiritual heritage of Denis Kiris, RIA Novosti reported.

According to Kiriza, these measures will increase the interest of the filmmakers in quality products.

“All members of the film production must be economically interested in the final product, it needs to be successful and bring profit not only to the producers,” said member of the Public chamber.

According to him, now workers of the film industry in Russia are discriminated against because they do not receive any royalties in the form of a rental is fees.

“We all know is not very good the stars of the Soviet cinema. So, the funeral of the recently departed Alexei Batalov took over the Ministry of culture. The legend of the Soviet cinema actually lived on a pension. And such examples, unfortunately, very much. We wish our Russian actors, who create many of the images, which brought up the current young generation are in such a situation. So at the end of years they were not left without means of livelihood,” said Kiris.

It is reported that in late September, the chamber will host a round table, the results of which will be prepared amendments to the Civil code for further initiation of their introduction in the lower house of the Russian Parliament.

