Polish experts reported the explosion on the wing of the plane Kaczynski

The place of death of the plane “Tu-154”

Fracture of the wing of the plane Tu-154 of Polish President Lech Kaczynski bear traces of the explosion. To such conclusion came the new Polish Committee investigating the circumstances of the crash near Smolensk, transfers the edition wiadomoś CI wał.

According to experts, the destruction of the left wing of the aircraft was not initiated by the collision with the birch. The Commission’s statement said that the wing began to collapse before contact with the tree and that the many damage of this element are the traces of an explosion.

Previous Polish Commission, whose conclusions were published in mass media in April, came to the conclusion that the cause of the accident was an explosion in the body of the aircraft. However, later it became known that the technical Commission of the Interstate aviation Committee (IAC) involved in the investigation in 2010-2011, showed no signs of impact on Board explosives. After that, the defense Ministry of Poland stated that the Polish members of the Commission were able to prove bad faith and negligence.

At the same time the Prosecutor General of Poland accuses Russian managers and some third person intentionally provoking the crash. In the Kremlin, in turn, refused to accept the findings of Polish prosecutors.

Version MAC, the cause of the crash was pilot error, in particular, the crew’s decision not to leave on spare airdrome.

Tu-154M of the Polish air force, on Board of which were high-ranking Polish politicians including President Lech Kaczynski and his wife crashed in April 2010 near Smolensk. As a result, all passengers and crew members a total of 96 people died.

