The government provided a subsidy for the reconstruction of the Institute. Priorova


MOSCOW, Aug 5 — RIA Novosti. The government provided the Ministry of health subsidy for the reconstruction and superstructure of the children’s body “the Central scientific research Institute of traumatology and orthopedics named after N. N. Priorova”, the corresponding decree was published on the website of the Cabinet.

“To provide in the years 2017-2021 the subsidy from the Federal budget on implementation of capital investments in reconstruction of the capital construction object “Reconstruction with extension and superstructure of the children’s case — phase 1” the Federal state budgetary institution “Central scientific research Institute of traumatology and orthopedics named after N. N. Priorova”, — stated in the text of the document.

In reference to the document notes that the total estimated (marginal) cost of reconstruction of the children’s case is 2.41 billion rubles. The decision will allow to increase the available area to 10.8 thousand square meters. Object input in operation is planned for 2021.

