What is emotional intelligence and why it is so important

What is emotional intelligence and why it is so important

Emotional intelligence — concept, causes debate. Some say that it was not scientific enough, others see emotional intelligence the key to success in all spheres of life, from higher wages to a happy relationship. Is it really so?

About what is emotional intelligence and why it is important, Russian service Bi-bi-si talked to Konstantin Petrides is a Professor of psychology and psychometrics at University College London.

Ability to unite the mind, logic and emotions

Bi-bi-si: What is emotional intelligence? When first it became known about it?

Konstantin Petrides: Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive own emotions and to manage feelings effectively to solve problems.

Interest in emotional intelligence emerged in the early XX-th century due to the inability of the classical IQ tests (intelligence quotient) to explain the peculiarities of motivation and human behavior.

However, the ancient Greeks thought about emotional intelligence, believing that a wise person is one who can unite the mind, logic and emotions. Despite the fact that it was two and a half thousand years ago, the question of human emotions remains the same.

In 1870, the year in the book “About expression of emotions in man and animals” Charles Darwin made an attempt to explore human emotion through the symptoms. The concept of emotional intelligence (abbreviated EQ) in its modern sense emerged in the early XX-th century.

In 1920, American psychologist Edward Thorndike first introduced the concept of social intelligence as a person’s ability to act wisely in human relations.

In 1983, Howard Gardner proposed the theory of multiple intelligence, sharing intelligence on the inside (your emotions) and interpersonal (the emotions of others).

Journalist Daniel Holm popularized the notion, published a book “Emotional intelligence” in 1995.

Studies show that there are several diagnostics of emotional intelligence.

For example, the model of abilities (Ability model), which considers emotions as genetically inherent quality or talent that can be objectively measured as an ability with math or languages.

Model “the traits of emotional intelligence”, which deals with our research laboratory, believes that emotion is impossible to quantify.

The program is studying the human perception of own emotions, allowing test-takers to assess their feelings after the test.

To evaluate the emotions

Bi-bi-si: what is the meaning of the test? What’s its practical application?

K. P.: the Test consists of 15 components, or “damn” emotional intelligence, including the ability to adapt to circumstances, ability to make decisions, to empathize and to experience happiness.

Evaluates each parameter and gets a pattern of their emotional state that allows him to pay attention to personal flaws, which he had not thought of.

Recently, we asked a division of the London police. One of the employees, talented employee who did not know how to get along with colleagues, was distinguished by the straightforwardness and authoritarian character.

At work didn’t know what to do with it.

A policeman passed the test, focusing on motivation, ability to take decisions and relationships. It helped him realize their own behavior and to improve relations with work colleagues.

