The British Museum had lost a ring worth almost a million dollars

The British Museum had lost a ring worth almost a million dollars

Police became aware of the missing ring Cartier in 2011, but the public found out about it only now.

Diamond ring cost 750 thousand pounds sterling (one million dollars) that have disappeared from the British Museum in London six years ago, only now officially declared lost.

It was reported that the ring was donated to the Museum by an anonymous donor. About the disappearance Cartier ring the police reported back in 2011, but the wide public it became known only now, after the publication of the annual accounts of the Museum, where the cost of the ring was written off.

The representative of the Museum said that it is common practice to report about the missing exhibits in the five years since their loss.

In 2011, the ring was exposed to the public, and lay in the vaults.

According to the representative of the Museum, in August 2011 the staff found that the ring is not in his proper place.

“The Museum administration revised the safety system of the building and the storage conditions of the collection, giving large sums of money to improve security measures”, — he added.

