The state Duma has simplified the procedure of obtaining citizenship for Ukrainians


RIA Novosti

Russia removes obstacles to obtain citizenship for Ukrainians: Duma adopted a law establishes a declarative procedure in case of refusal of the Ukrainian citizenship for obtaining a passport and a residence permit in Russia. This provision of the law was a direct response to the appeal of the native of the Ukraine to the President of Russia during a recent “Straight line”. The President complained that are now for joining the Russian citizenship, or obtaining a residence permit should first obtain certificates from the Ukrainian authorities, confirming the citizenship of Ukraine. And those, of course, they do not give. Vladimir Putin promised a solution to the problem.

The new norm may touch about one million Ukrainians

The adopted law cancels the need to obtain paperwork from the Ukrainian authorities, it will be enough confirmation that the man turned to them. Renunciation of citizenship will be issued by a notary, one document will go to the FMS, the second in Ukraine. “The law – the abolition of serfdom of Mr Poroshenko on the Ukrainian citizens. This is an important event for Russia and for Ukraine”, – said the Deputy from “Fair Russia” Oleg Nilov. According to the chamber, the new rule could affect about a million people.

In the third reading adopted amendments, approving the text of the oath at the introduction into citizenship of the Russian Federation. To swear allegiance to Russia will be 18 years old, but it applies only to foreigners and not those who received citizenship at birth. To obtain citizenship a foreigner will have to take the oath in a solemn setting. If the new owner of the citizenship of the Russian Federation will act against the constitutional order of Russia, the passport will be taken away. This is another key provision of the law. To work against the system are crimes of a terrorist or extremist, but the decision to cancel the citizenship will be made on the basis of the verdict. The head of the Duma Committee on state construction and the legislation Pavel Krasheninnikov has explained that the liability will follow, not only for committing crimes, but also for preparing. It is important that the responsibility will not apply to children and spouses of the offender, if they were not complicit.

