In China died and Nobel peace prize winner Liu Xiaobo

In China died and Nobel peace prize winner Liu Xiaobo

Chinese Nobel peace laureate Liu Xiaobo has died at the age of 61, according to Reuters. Cause of death was diagnosed he had cancer of the liver. In early July it became known about the sharp deterioration of his health. Relatives of Liu Xiaobo allegedly refused a ventilator.

In connection with the disease, the Chinese authorities in early June, Liu Xiaobo was released from prison where he was serving an 11-year sentence on charges of inciting Subversion of the state system. The human rights activist was arrested in 2008 after he signed the Manifesto “Charter 2008”. In it he called for democratic reforms in China.

The European Union appealed to Beijing to release human rights activist and release for medical treatment in Europe. Chinese doctors said that he would not survive the flight.

The Nobel peace prize to Liu Xiaobo received in 2010 “the long and non-violent struggle for human rights in China”.

