Ukrainian oligarchs financed the Clinton – Putin

Ukrainian oligarchs, perhaps with the approval of the leadership of the country, funded Hillary Clinton. This at a press conference after talks with Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban said the head of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.   “As we know, during the election campaign in the United States the current Ukrainian government took a unilateral stance in support of one of the candidates, and some of the oligarchs with the approval certainly of the political leadership financed by the candidate or the candidate, to put it more precisely,” – said the Russian President.   Also Vladimir Putin expressed his opinion about the escalation of the conflict in the Donbass. According to the head of the Russian Federation, Kiev is trying to present themselves as the victim of aggressionin order to “knock out” money from the EU, and some countries of Europe, USA and international financial institutions. Photo: MediaPunch

The British government has published a plan for Brexit

David Davis The British government published the “White book”, which contains a plan for the country’s exit from the EU (Brexit). It is reported by Reuters on Thursday, 2 February. A document of 77 pages, contains 12 main points made by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Theresa may on 17 January. It was presented in Parliament by the Minister for Brexit David Davis. In the White paper, in particular, refers to the preservation of a free trade zone with the EU, continuing cooperation in the military sphere and in the fight against crime and terrorism. While the British economy leaving the European single market, which implies free movement of the population and recognition of the jurisdiction of the European court, which is incompatible with Brexit. In November 2016 may has announced its intention to begin formal negotiations with the European Union on Brexit at the end of March

Trump threatened to deprive the University of the state funding after protests

The protest at the University of California The President of the United States Donald trump threatened to deprive of public funding the University of California at Berkeley after the riots. He wrote about this in his microblog on Twitter. “If the University of California at Berkeley does not allow to freely Express views and encourages the use of violence against people whose only fault is that they have a different point of view, as [may], by DEPRIVING IT of FEDERAL FUNDING?” — reads the entry in the account of the President. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 02 February 2017, 11:13 The grounds were massive protests at the University of California, faculty and students which is known for its liberal views. Ahead of the speech, blogger and editor of the far-right website Breitbart Milo giannopoulos of the members of the student Union February 1, hundreds of demonstrators tried to break into

The US eased sanctions against Russia’s FSB

The FSB The American government eased restrictive measures taken against the Federal security service (FSB) of Russia due to accusations of involvement in hacking attacks on American servers. It is reported by RIA Novosti. Now permitted “to request, receive, use and pay for licenses and permits” issued by FSB of Russia on “information technology products”. The total payment must not exceed 5 thousand dollars per year. What kind of technology we have in mind is not specified. You may not export, re-export, or supply of any goods and technologies to Crimea. Restrictions were introduced on 29 December last year by the previous administration of President Barack Obama. Under them also got the leadership of the Chief intelligence Directorate of the General staff of the Russian Armed forces: head of the GRU Igor Korobov and other high-ranking employees of special services — Igor Kostyukov, Vladimir Alekseev, Sergey Lizunov. The U.S. has

In Peterhof stole left on the street child in the stroller

School No. 412Продолжение: In St. Petersburg was found stolen from strollers two year old child In the suburbs of St. Petersburg — Peterhof — stole the wheelchair c two-year-old boy that left school had gone away for 10 minutes mother. About it reports to “Fontanka”. As have told in city police, February 2 from a local resident to law enforcement authorities received a complaint about the missing son. According to preliminary information, she went to educational institution to pick up the older child, leaving the stroller with the youngest on the street, and when he returned, found her on the spot. According to eyewitnesses, it was taken away by some woman. After some time the stroller found in Strelna (near Peterhof), however the baby was not in it. Introduced plan “Interception”.

In the border regions of Belarus assessed the effects of the introduction of the border zone

At the customs checkpoint “Red” on the border with Belarus Introduction the border zone with Belarus will not affect the life of the inhabitants of bordering areas, says Deputy Governor of the Bryansk region Sergey Sergeev. His words leads TASS on Thursday, February 2. “We do not expect problems either for citizens or for businesses,” said he, adding that currently “actively rascherchivayut of land in border areas to give them in agriculture”. The head of the Usvyaty district, Pskov region Viktor Ivaschenko considers that the border regime does not infringe the rights of Russians and Belarusians. “Placed on the passport of the citizen of Russia, going to Belarus. If there is a Belarusian numbers on the machine, also show your passport — and everything went. No arrests or physical searches is not expected”, — quotes Ivashchenko Agency. 1 February it was reported that the Director of FSB of Russia ordered

Rival Merkel told the Tramp that the lifting of sanctions against Russia

Photo: Wiktor Dabkowski / The candidate in German chancellors from the Social democratic party (SPD), former European Parliament President Martin Schulz criticized the policy of U.S. President Donald trump and warned him against the lifting of sanctions against Russia. About it reports Reuters. “What makes trump, is not the American way”, — the politician said, expressing the view that the United States like no other country in the world, are a symbol of democracy and freedom. Schultz urged Europe to stand up for liberal values. “If trump is now beginning to destroy those values, then I’ll tell him, being Chancellor: “It is not the policy of Germany and Europe””, — he said. The candidate in chancellors also said that sanctions against Russia can be cancelled only after the implementation by all parties of the conflict in Ukraine Minsk agreements. “As long as the Minsk agreements are not implemented in

As the Russian military cleared the ancient citadel of Aleppo

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